Prevention of varicose veins: the right way to do the readings and forecast

Varicose veins can be subject not only to the veins of the legs – similar changes are possible in the veins:

Varicose veins
  • of the esophagus and of the stomach;
  • pelvic organs in women;
  • the left spermatic cord and testicles in men.

But the reasons for the development of all of these types of varicose veins are totally different. Therefore, prevention is radically different.

In this article we consider only the measures that prevent the most common form of varicose veins – the defeat of the lower extremities. In addition, the fact that it is 70% in the General morbidity structure, only its prevention is really effective.

A comprehensive approach to prevent the development of varicose veins in the legs leads to:

  • Decide whether prophylaxis – indications
  • Pay attention to the shoes
  • Choose the right work
  • Be active, but remember about the rest
  • Normalize weight and eating well
  • Say "no" to habits that are harmful
  • Do not be lazy to lose weight the gym
  • Make a massage draining legs
  • Wear the compression tights
  • Sometimes you need the drugs
  • The prognosis of prevention

Prevention of any disease, including varicose veins of the legs, nothing is more easy in comparison with the treatment. But if you do it properly and in its entirety, can be done to prevent the appearance of the disease, or prevent serious consequences.

Only hard work can give you the maximum effect. This is especially true for people with high risk of developing varicose veins in the legs. Prevention of this disease has become an integral part of life, a good everyday habit. In fact, there is nothing complicated.

For all matters relating to the prevention of varicose veins disease of the lower extremities, please contact the vascular surgeon or phlebologist.

Decide whether prophylaxis – indications


The main risk for the development of varicose veins in the legs, in the need of specific prevention – that is the people:

  • Have a family history – close relatives with this disease.
  • Women who suffer from dishormonal disorders of ovarian.
  • Pregnant and have given birth.
  • People linked with very physical job, always stay in a fixed sitting or standing position (especially a profession and a sedentary lifestyle).
  • The lovers of walking in heels, a hot tub, sauna, spicy food and alcoholic beverages.
  • People with the presence of the characteristic ˮvenarumˮ complaints: swelling of the legs from the ankles to the night, cramps and pain in the calf muscles, feeling of heaviness in the legs, reinforced venous pattern vascular mesh.

The most important risk factors for varicose veins is genetic predisposition, pregnancy and dishormonal disorders in women. All other prior conditions alone are not capable of causing disease, but, strengthened in key, accelerate its appearance and weight.

Pay attention to the shoes

The question of selecting the appropriate footwear for a to a greater extent in women, but men is also relevant. Optimum these shoes:

  • convenient and comfortable (to avoid squashing the feet and legs, but not too free);
  • should not be high, thin heels – the best 4-5 cm;
  • use templates-bow supports;
  • do not constantly walk in the shoes on a flat sole.

Choose the right work

The question of the place of work change is not always easy to resolve, even if we are talking about health. But, if the risk of occurrence of varicose veins in the legs too great, or there were the first signs of the disease, it is best to follow the recommendations preventative:

  • Eliminate or minimize the hard work associated with physical strain on the abdominal wall and lower extremities.
  • Not a lot of time continuously (more than 2-3 hours) to spend in a stationary standing or sitting position.
  • Contraindicated weight lifting and other strength sports.

The basic rule – the conditions should be such that the blood in the legs does not stagnate and does not put excess pressure on the walls of the veins. More stasis venous pronounced when the feet are situated vertically downward of the feet and calf muscles fixed (when a person lies or sits in one position).

Be active, but remember about the rest

The rest

Physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle) contributes to the development of varicose veins in the legs. Therefore, we should combat it:

  • do morning exercises;
  • not too lazy to go to walk in the open air;
  • exercise or sport-related exercises for the legs and feet (walking, running, swimming, Cycling, aerobics).

But too much work not worth. Do not forget about the rest, you should sleep about 8 hours a day, alternating periods of activity with periods of rest. The muscles of the back surface of Shin play the role of a pump that drives the blood through the veins in the direction opposite to gravity (up). The load which they experience is great. To cope with it only the muscles that have restored the reserves of energy after a busy day.

Normalize weight and eating well

The lower limbs of people who suffer from obesity, experience high load. Therefore, the weight reduction is the prevention of varicose veins, as it reduces the daily life tension veins of the legs. For this you can use different methods, but make sure you follow these recommendations:

  • Limit fatty foods of animal origin (meat, pork, duck, fatty sour cream, eggs) and digestible carbohydrates (pasta, white bread, rolls, cakes, pies).
  • Discard the spices and spicy food.
  • Eat a moderate amount of fluids and minimize salt.
  • Enrich your diet with plant foods: vegetables, fruits, Linseed oil, olive, sunflower).

Say "no" to habits that are harmful

The most common bad habits of Smoking and alcohol abuse – by themselves do not cause the appearance of varicose veins, but in combination with other aggravating factors that contribute to its onset and progression. Therefore, the wicked should abandon them. Doing it yourself is not easy. If necessary, seek the help of a doctor-narcologist.

Do not be lazy to lose weight the gym

Any activity of the people that have the funds for varicose veins in the legs, must be combined with periods of discharge. All you need is 5-10 minutes to devote to the carrying out of simple leg exercises at least 1-2 times a day, and always in the afternoon after graduation. You don't need a separate room or special conditions.

Most of the exercises fasting gymnastics you can perform on the job:

  • In the sitting position, perform 10-20 flexor you extender movements alternately with each foot, so that the rear muscle groups of the leg is maximally reduced and relaxed.
  • If you have been sitting, get up and move around, better just by the stairs. You can also walk on the ground level, the simulation of climbing the stairs – step, step, heel to toe, to calf muscles were very small and relaxed.
  • In the position of the stand on the toes, keep this position for a few seconds and reach to the heel. Perform the following steps first both legs at the same time (on several occasions), and then alternately with each foot, so that when the right rises the toe, left foot at the heel, and Vice versa.
  • If possible, sit or lie down and position the feet in any kind of support to a higher position in the pelvis (for example, putting the feet on the chair on the table, on the wall).

Download exercises designed for the prevention of varicose veins of the legs, very basic and effective. All you need to – do not be lazy to do these exercises.

Make a massage draining legs

Treatment of varicose veins

The meaning of haurientes foot massage to improve the blood flow in the superficial and the deep veins. Do-even in the evening, after work, but if possible, it is and its for.

Elementary techniques of self-massage haurientes:

  • Sit back, put the foot sole on the ground level, where you can sit down, so she was slightly bent at the knee (less than 90).
  • Rubbing movements massage the skin and muscles in the direction from the toes to the genu iuncturam around the entire circumference.
  • Grasp the foot with both hands so that the thumbs are located in the back, and all the rest – in the surface plant.
  • Push the sides of the segment that is wrapped around the fingers, and little by little move them upwards in the course of the tibia for genu iuncturam. During the transition to the new page slowly squeeze it for a few seconds and then relax the hands and pass them over.
  • Clasp your fingers brush the side of the surface of the heel. Press the fabric with your fingers for a few seconds, relax your fingers, move them upward on the sides of the Achilles tendon and calf muscles towards the knee.
  • Pat drumsticks with both hands in the upward direction.

The total duration of the session haurientes self-massage is about 10 minutes. Then it is convenient to carry out the exercise ˮbirchˮ (3 to 5 minutes to put your feet as high as possible, and the best heels vertically up).

Wear the compression tights

Special products compression hosiery is better to strengthen a weakness or to change the varicose veins of the legs, and not allow its expansion. This prevention method works better the more you use individually chosen compression hosiery. Bring it each day before you get out of bed and after sleeping. At the end of the day, when the load on the legs will be less products need to be removed.

What to look for when choosing compression hosiery:

  • Must be comfortable for daily use. Modern products meet all the requirements that are thin (like nylon stockings), and compress more evenly woven, elegant appearance and durable. Better to buy a Jersey of this type than conventional bandages, elastic or hosiery crassus.
  • Choosing the right product. This can be tights, stockings and socks.
  • Pay attention to the kind of compression – the force that squeezes the tissue of point. For prevention, you can use the special preventive knitwear (class zero compression) or for the treatment, but only in the first compression class.

Sometimes you need the drugs


Medicamental prophylaxis of varicose veins is shown to persons of high risk group (have a lot of requirements for the expansion of the veins) or have a typical "venous symptoms" (which are described in the section "Decide whether prophylaxis – indications").

Remember: ointments and gels provide fast, but short-term effect, but the pills are starting to work slowly but are long-lasting. Therefore, the topical preparations can be used daily, and drugs for internal use – in the form of prevention courses 2 times a year for duration of a month.

The prognosis of prevention

The table reflects the forecast of the potential effectiveness prevent the development of varicose veins in the legs, given the risk of the disease.

A predisposition to the appearance of varicose veins Percentage of cases, if prophylaxis is completed What will happen without the full prevention
Low Less than 5% – mild varicose veins Sick of 95%: mild forms – 45%, moderate 50%
Fair 30%: light – 20%, the average of the gravity – 10% Sick 99%: average weight of 65%, severe 34% of
High 50%: the average and the light of the forms – 40%, difficult 10% Sick of it all: the average severity of 60%, severe course – 40%

If you don't want to get varicose veins – do some prevention!